Saturday, 9 January 2010

Frozen Britain

We have been in the grip of some very cold weather recently. Little poppet's school has been closed for 3 days now and we're all starting to suffer with cabin fever being cooped up inside. The time has come for some makeshift sledge action, and we found the perfect makeshift sledge....the sandpit lid! Here is little poppet enjoying the snow.

We acquired an allotment on the 1st January on a brand new site in the village. We have campaigned for nearly two years for the site to be opened and now it finally is- the only trouble is the snow has put pay to our plans for developing it for a couple of weeks. We had marked out one of our proposed raised beds but now its just resting under a foot of snow- it's as if we'd never been...
Have managed to fit in some crafting too- check back tomorrow for an idea for quick and easy thank you cards.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any pictures of the new sledge? Would love to see it with its brakes, sounds very posh
