It was indeed hard work but pleasantly easier than I had anticipated and it was lovely to be outside in the fresh air.
As you can see below, even little p was on hand to help out!
One hour in and two thirds of the 4m x 6m bed dug.......where on earth do we put all the couch grass though- there's only so much you can disguise at the edge of the field!
A 20' x 13' is a nice size. The couch grass is something else though. Dig the roots out as deep as you can; but you may have to live with this awful weed for sometime. They are like lodgers from hell! Look out also for the Hedge Bindweed, nettle and dandelion. Burning is the only real option, but in a controlled way. Chemicals won't work, the roots are probably too deep by now. Try marking out small plot areas of say 6'0" square. Dig out to at least one foot, hunting all the time for those white tap roots.At this depth you may reach the clay. Sift soil taken out into wheel barrow and you will be amazed how many of these roots re-appear. remove, then replace the soil. Hard work but well worthy it in the end.
ReplyDeleteHappy digging, lighter sifting.