Been busy on my sewing machine again this week, oh how I am loving my new machine, it's light, the motor's very quiet and the best thing of all is that it sews like a dream! I managed to whip up this little peasant top for little p this week in just a few hours. It's such a pretty fabric and it was a refreshing change to make her something in a colour other than pink!

Here is the little poppet modelling her new wardrobe addition. I think it'll look great with a little navy cargo skirt or even teamed with jeans. I think i'll be making a few more of these this summer.

This morning there were many squeals of excitement in our long awaited cotton yarn has arrived!!!! you see it all started before Christmas when I developed a sudden desire to learn to Crochet. I put myself on a half day crochet taster session at my local adult education centre, dizzy with the anticipation that by the end of the session I would be hooking away to my heart's content. But alas, it was not to be, by the end of the session I was completely frustrated and had not managed to master a stitch. Well, I wasn't going to let a little setback like that stop me- I was determined that I would learn to crochet and enjoy it! I went straight from the course to my local craft shop and bought myself two books on learning to crochet and promptly spent the rest of the weekend with hook and yarn practically glued to my hand........and i did it...I taught myself a few basic stitches and produced my first little piece of hooky goodness! From there on in I couldnt get enough of looking for all things crochet- from patterns in vintage craft books to reading about other people's crochet on the net.......and that's where I discovered the lovely Lucy at
Attic 24. Lucy is an inspiration to anyone who wants to crochet bright, beautiful things. Her accounts and photos just make you want to pull out some yarn and get hooking.
Well, a couple of weeks ago Lucy caused a bit of a storm when she recommended a great cotton yarn in lovely colourways and linked to the fab shop she bought them from. They sold out overnight and have been working on supplying backorders ever since. I was one of those backorders, but this morning there was much squealing in the B household as my yarn arrived!!!!! Yipee!! Here it is, all packed up and lovely....squeal!!!!.....those bright colours just jump out and sing!!

I can now start the Granny Square blanket for our 'pimping the camper van' project that little p and I are working on to surprise Mr B before our holiday!!! I bought my yarn from this great
shop, I really cannot recommend them highly enough. Lisa, one of the owners kept me up to date with how my order was progressing and was so friendly. It was really refreshing to receive e-mails with a chatty, friendly style from a retail store. I shall definitely be ordering from them again!
My last bit of creative making this week has been to sew a couple more purses. The first is another small coin purse in a pretty pink fabric. Much easier to do now I've made a couple.

The next one is very much 'work in progress' as I'm trying to design a pattern to work well with the rectangular frame. It's much harder than I first thought and at the moment it's got me beat. I am pleased with the fabric choice though so all is not lost just yet. I'm going to try and make the next one a little shorter in length and find a way of including a couple of pleats to make it puffy without changing the outline squareness.

Off now to start the first square of the blanket...........all those bright gorgeous colours...where to start? Yipeeee!!!!!